The day was really hard going, not because of any adverse conditions but, just the fact that the water is in really poor form this year
The fish only started to rise in the twilight.
Fishing, if I a fisher may protest, Of pleasures is the sweet'st, of sports the best, Of exercises the most excellent. Of recreations the most innocent. But now the sport is marde, and wottye why? Fishes decrease, and fishers multiply - Thomas Bastard (1598)
The angling bug got the better of me though & after several Singhas & Sangsom buckets I got chatting to a Mr Sak who promised me a 80-90% chance of landing a Sailfish!
Here's Mr Sak skippering his Longtail boat - basically a long wooden skiff with a dirty diesel engine attached to the back, powering a propellor at the end of a long shaft... genius!
First off, we jigged some feathers for the live bait.