Saturday 21 June 2008

Twilight trouting

God I love this time of year!!!!!

Jibbed out for an after the Portugal Germany game on Thursday & had a fantastic hour targeting rising fish in the twilight. The slower glassy smooth glides that have seemed to be devoid of fish so far this year came alive in the perpetual dusk.

The fishing was electric but, the midges were worse than anything in Scotland. It was great to be able to thread a new fly on in the light after being snapped by a lunker but, the midges drive you to distraction, so much so that I missed a number of takes whilst scrathing my head. I'll be back this weekend armed with hat & jungle formula!


Unknown said...

I have been fishing a small stream in Bolton with a good head of small browns.The midges are absolute killers.They are little white things and you can feel them biting which makes fishing very difficult.They seem to get more persistant as the light goes.

I'm not going to let them win however and I'm ready for them next time.

Anonymous said...

Although we have differences in culture, but do not want is that this view is the same and I like that!