Thursday 7 June 2007

He's got a chub on!

Got to the river early the other evening & as it was still bright and warm there wasn't much happening on the surface, so I decided to put a huge weighted streamer through some of the deeper glides until the flies started hatching. Casting this thing on a #5 line was tricky enough without having to negotiate the overhanging trees on the far bank, but I managed to plop it down amonst them and had a solid take after searching the pool for a few minutes. This fish felt different to the trout I was expecting and certainly didn't feel like the huge fish P.A. could see from his position on the bank above me, only when I managed to get its head up and saw the gaping mouth did I realise that I had a chub on! A first for the river & a first for the fly, I didn't realise they were this far upstream.


Jorge said...

Hola!! Thank you for putting a link to my blog.
I see that the english trouts have a good size. Nice blog.
I also have added you in my blog.

Bye !

Nick Carter said...

Hola Jorge! Thanks for that.
It was also good to see your pirineos trout - they're beauties!

JosiƱo said...

It´s a Leuciscus cephalus that fish?
Very beautiful photos.

Nick Carter said...

Indeed it is Jose!
commonly known as a chub in our parts - a fish with a vorocious appetite that will readily take a fly. Some trout fishermen don't like them as they feel they eat a lot of trout fry, but in my experience trout do a pretty good job at canabalising their own!