Monday 18 June 2007


I'm going to start building an arc soon if it doesn't stop raining! As we arrived at Hayeswater carpark the mother of all downpours hit us, so with umbrellas aloft we set off up the fells walking up Hayeswater Gill, by the time we arrived there was a break in the weather revealing the stunning ampitheatre of hayeswater with its mirrored surface reflecting the crags superbly.
The break in the weather lasted the rest of the day & we managed to fish till gone 9pm before setting off back down.
Angle Tarn with St Sunday Crags shrouded in clouds.
Caddis were the order of the day

On the return leg we decided to take a short cut strait down the slope between Prison Crag & Calfgate Gill to meet the path at the filter station, quite a hairy decent (the closeness of the contours gives a clue). Saw some deer on the way down, but Tom scared them by sliding past them at a rate of knots in his cagool & waterproof pants!


Jorge said...
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Jorge said...

Hi Nick!, nice place and beautiful trouts. For the photo, it remembers me a lake of my zone. Look at these photos taken for me this summer:
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bye !

Nick Carter said...

Hi Jorge, Yes the lake looks very similar to the tarns we have here in the 'Lake District', it's the same glacial scenery - the trout that live in them must be some of the most ancient we have in the UK.