Monday 1 September 2008

shizzle my mizzle

Anyone who looks at this blog is going to think I only post when I bag a lunker but shit has been conspiring against me this summer and it's been nearly 2 months since I last pulled on my (rancid) waders, so it was with great delight that I ventured out into the glorious August mizzle.
After a barren couple of hours after a barren couple of months I was seriously thinking I'd lost my mojo and just as I was contemplating finding a screen to watch the return of the prodigal son SWP to MCFC I hit a rich vein of form teasing out fish after fish from the faster riffles.

What a belter! Bring on September!


Unknown said...

That is an absolute monster... good work.

Anonymous said...

It seems a little more than I need to check the information, because I was thinking: Why does not my GLOG these things!