Wednesday 28 May 2008

bank holiday drought

Social commitments are starting to get in the way of my fishing! With a mix of cricket, bbq's & visiting family my only angling opportunity this bank holiday was sneaking out onto the river at half six saturday morning. There wasn't much happening by way of surface activity so I experimented fishing my newly tied psycho caddis on a top dropper with a little green goldhead benieth. The tactic worked really well with the fluoro-caddis acting as an indicator and all the fish falling to the nymph.
The weather is gloomy & shite in Manchester at the minute but, I'm like a coiled spring waiting to pounce on the first fishing opportunity!


Unknown said...

Would love to fish with you sometime at the Park.It would be a great learning experience for me.

I bought a licence earlier this year but have only fished it once and it was in a blizzard!

Anonymous said...

I will pass on your article introduced to my other friends, because really good!