Thursday 20 December 2007

Lancs v Esox

The lack of Trout action over the closed season has sent me out in search of Pike.
Be warned though - when you say to your wife/friends/family that your popping out for a spot of Piking, it does have a different dodgy connotation:
and more worryingly there are sites dedicated to sourcing good Piking locations!


Anonymous said...

esox on legs

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Matthew Eastham said...


Splendid blog mate - I'll add a link to it on mine, if that's ok.
What's your trout river? You seem to catch a good number of large trout.....
Roll on spring, my rod arm's twitching!

Unknown said...

Amazing how a spot of Piking can put a smile on a mans face !

Lovely fish.

Were you catching them at the Adelphi Weir on the Rivel Irwell?

I was there yesterday - but didnt fish as there was an extra 4 feet of water in the river.

My son and i regularly catch brown trout to 3lb+ in the Irwell to worm and fly.

Conditions permitting i am going to be fishing the irwell for chub and roach at "the cliff" next weekend. I have never seen another angler fish there!

Drop me a line if you fancy coming along.

Nick Carter said...

Cheers Mike, may well do - I've never walked the cliff stretch, bet it's well fishy though

Mind, I've been walking the dog through Peel Park this week & it's still well up & coloured.
