Thursday 30 August 2007


It feels sweet after a summers upstream dry-flying to be rewarded with such a fish...
...and even better to see her swim off again
The strange thing about this monster was that I took it out of a foot deep riffle and upon it sensing that the fly it had ate put up some resistance it swam upstream and towards a hole in the bank and attempted to just sit there and hide... & only when it knew it was 'hooked' did it take off.

Check out the vein in Toms forehead!!!! this beaut only shows itself when he's well excited!
And another!!!! What a buttery coloured beauty!


Jorge said...

Fantastic, big trouts, specially the first one. Which is meaninf of Lunkmenistan? A Country ??

Bye !

Nick Carter said...

Hi Jorge, Lunkmenistan is a joke - like an imaginary country where all the fish are big (lunkers)

Jorge said...

ahhhh, ok Nick... thank you for the explanation, now I already understand.

Certainly, the trout on that you comment to me of the spots red with blue is a brook trout.
Do these trouts exist in UK???
In addition, if your you want to see, I have just put an entry in my blog of few brook trouts of this summer.



Nick Carter said...

Hi Jorge,

We don't have any native Brookies in the UK, but we do have some types of Char in the Lake District.

Just seen your new pics - the Pirineos are stunning!

p.s - what translation tool do you use for your blog?

Anonymous said...

update your blog with the calder pics and the recent outing!

steve eagles

Jorge said...

Hi Nick, I use the translator of google. But I think that he does not translate very well.